Current Content Raid Progress
- 0/9 NAberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
- Kazzara, the Hellforged
- The Amalgamation Chamber
- The Forgotten Experiments
- Assault of the Zaqali
- Rashok, the Elder
- The Vigilant Stewart, Zskarn
- Magmorax
- Echo of Neltharion
- Scalecommander Sarkareth
0/8 NVault of the Incarnates- Eranog
- Terros
- The Primal Council
- Sennarth, The Cold Breath
- Dathea, Ascended
- Kurog Grimtotem
- Broodkeeper Diurna
- Raszageth the Storm-Eater
Death Knight
Demon Hunter
Demon HunterHighEvokerHighWarriorHighDeath KnightMediumDruidMediumHunterMediumMageMediumMonkMediumPriestMediumRogueMediumShamanMediumWarlockMediumPaladinLow
Shadowlands, Battle for Azeroth, Legion & WoD Raid Progress
- 0/11 NSepulcher of the First Ones
- Vigilant Guardian
- Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener
- Artificer Xy'mox
- Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle
- Prototype Pantheon
- Lihuvim, Principal Architech
- Halondrus the Reclaimer
- Anduin Wrynn
- Lords of Dread
- Rygelon
- The Jailer, Zovaal
0/10 NSanctum of Domination- The Tarragrue
- The Eye of the Jailer
- The Nine
- Remnant of Ner'zhul
- Soulrender Dormazain
- Painsmith Raznal
- Guardian of the First Ones
- Fatescribe Roh-Kalo
- Kel'Thuzad
- Sylvanas Windrunner
0/10 NCastle Nathria- Shriekwing
- Altimor the Huntsman
- Hungering Destroyer
- Artificer Xy'Mox
- Sun King's Salvation
- Lady Inerva Darkvein
- The Council of Blood
- Sludgefist
- Stoneborne Generals
- Sire Denathrius
- 0/12 NNy'alotha, the Waking City
- Wrathion, the Black Emperor
- Maut
- The Prophet Skitra
- Dark Inquisitor Xanesh
- The Hivemind
- Shad'har the Insatiable
- Drest'agath
- Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn
- Vexiona
- Ra-den the Despoiled
- Carapace of N'Zoth
- N'Zoth, the Corruptor
0/8 NAzshara's Eternal Palace- Abyssal Commander Sivara
- Blackwater Behemoth
- Radiance of Azshara
- Lady Ashvane
- Orgozoa
- The Queen's Court
- Za'qul
- Queen Azshara
0/2 NCrucible of Storms- The Restless Cabal
- Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void
0/9 NBattle of Dazar'alor- Champion of the Light
- Grong, the Jungle Lord
- Jadefire Masters
- Opulence Treasure Guardian
- Conclave of the Chosen
- King Rastakhan
- High Tinker Mekkatorque
- Stormwall Blockade
- Jaina Proudmoore
0/8 NUldir- Taloc
- Fetid Devourer
- Zek'voz, Herald of N'zoth
- Vectis
- Zul, Reborn
- Mythrax the Unraveler
- G'huun
- 0/11 NAntorus, the Burning Throne
- Garothi Worldbreaker
- Felhounds of Sargeras
- Antoran High Command
- Portal Keeper Hasabel
- Eonar the Life-Binder
- Imonar the Soulhunter
- Kin'garoth
- Varimathras
- The Coven of Shivarra
- Aggramar
- Argus the Unmaker
0/9 NTomb of Sargeras- Goroth
- Demonic Inquisition
- Harjatan
- Mistress Sassz'ine
- Sisters of the Moon
- The Desolate Host
- Maiden of Vigilance
- Fallen Avatar
- Kil'jaeden
0/10 NNighthold- Skorpyron
- Chronomatic Anomaly
- Trilliax
- Krosus
- Star Augur Etraeus
- Spellblade Aluriel
- High Botanist Tel'arn
- Tichondrius
- Grand Magistrix Elisande
- Gul'dan
0/3 NTrial of Valor- Odyn
- Guarm
- Helya
0/7 NEmerald Nightmare- Nythendra
- Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption
- Elerethe Renferal
- Ursoc
- Dragons of Nightmare
- Cenarius
- Xavius
- 0/13 NHellfire Citadel
- Hellfire Assault
- Iron Reaver
- Kormrok
- Hellfire High Council
- Kilrogg Deadeye
- Gorefiend
- Shadow-Lord Iskar
- Socrethar the Eternal
- Fel Lord Zakuun
- Xhul'horac
- Tyrant Velhari
- Mannoroth
- Archimonde
0/10 NBlackrock Foundry- Gruul
- Oregorger
- Beastlord Darmac
- Flamebender Ka'graz
- Hans'gar and Franzok
- Operator Thogar
- The Blast Furnace
- Kromog
- The Iron Maidens
- Blackhand
0/7 NHighmaul- Kargath Bladefist
- The Butcher
- Tectus
- Brackenspore
- Twin Ogron
- Ko'ragh
- Imperator Mar'gok
MoP, Cataclysm & Wrath of the Lich King Raid Progress
- 0/14 NSiege of Orgrimmar
- Immerseus
- The Fallen Protectors
- Norushen
- Sha of Pride
- Galakras
- Iron Juggernaut
- Kor'kron Dark Shaman
- General Nazgrim
- Malkorok
- Spoils of Pandaria
- Thok the Bloodthirsty
- Siegecrafter Blackfuse
- Paragons of the Klaxxi
- Garrosh Hellscream
0/13 NThrone of Thunder- Jin'rokh the Breaker
- Horridon
- Council of Elders
- Tortos
- Megaera
- Ji-Kun
- Durumu the Forgotten
- Primordius
- Dark Animus
- Iron Qon
- Twin Consorts
- Lei Shen
- Ra-den
0/6 NMogu'shan Vaults- The Stone Guard
- Feng the Accursed
- Gara'jal the Spiritbinde
- The Spirit Kings
- Elegon
- Will of the Emperor
0/6 NHeart of Fear- Imperial Vizier Zor'lok
- Blade Lord Ta'yak
- Garalon
- Wind Lord Mel'jarak
- Amber-Shaper Un'sok
- Grand Empress Shek'zeer
0/4 NTerrace of Endless Spring- Protectors of the Endless
- Tsulong
- Lei Shi
- Sha of Fear
- 0/8 NDragon Soul
- Morchok
- Warlord Zon'ozz
- Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
- Hagara the Stormbinder
- Ultraxion
- Warmaster Blackhorn
- Spine of Deathwing
- Madness of Deathwing
0/7 NFirelands- Beth'tilac
- Shannox
- Baleroc
- Lord Rhyolith
- Alysrazor
- Majordomo Staghelm
- Ragnaros
0/3 NBaradin Hold- Argaloth
- Occu'thar
- Alizabal
0/5 NBastion of Twilight- Halfus Wyrmbreaker
- Valiona and Theralion
- Ascendant Council
- Cho'gall
- Sinestra
0/6 NBlackwing Descent- Magmaw
- Omnotron Defense System
- Maloriak
- Atramedes
- Chimaeron
- Nefarian
0/2 NThrone of the Four Winds- Conclave of Wind
- Al'Akir
- 0/4 NThe Ruby Sanctum
- Saviana Ragefire
- Baltharus the Warborn
- General Zarithrian
- Halion
0/12 NIcecrown Citadel- Lord Marrowgar
- Lady Deathwhisper
- Icecrown Gunship Battle
- Deathbringer Saurfang
- Festergut
- Rotface
- Professor Putricide
- Blood Prince Council
- Blood-Queen Lana'thel
- Valithria Dreamwalker
- Sindragosa
- The Lich King
0/1 NOnyxia's Lair- Onyxia
0/5 NTrial of the Crusader- Northrend Beasts
- Lord Jaraxxus
- Faction Champions
- Val'kyr Twins
- Anub'arak
0/14 NUlduar- Flame Leviathan
- Ignis the Furnace Master
- Razorscale
- XT-002 Deconstructor
- Assembly of Iron
- Kologarn
- Auriaya
- Mimiron
- Freya
- Thorim
- Hodir
- General Vezax
- Yogg-Saron
- Algalon the Observer
0/4 NThe Obsidian Sanctum- Shadron
- Tenebron
- Vesperon
- Sartharion
0/4 NVault of Archavon- Archavon the Stone Watcher
- Emalon the Storm Watcher
- Koralon the Flame Watcher
- Toravon the Ice Watcher
0/1 NThe Eye of Eternity- Malygos
0/15 NNaxxramas- Anub'Rekhan
- Grand Widow Faerlina
- Maexxna
- Patchwerk
- Grobbulus
- Gluth
- Thaddius
- Noth the Plaguebringer
- Heigan the Unclean
- Loatheb
- Instructor Razuvious
- Gothik the Harvester
- The Four Horsemen
- Sapphiron
- Kel'Thuzad
Burning Crusade & Classic Raid Progress
- 0/6 NSunwell Plateau
- Kalecgos
- Brutallus
- Felmyst
- Eredar Twins
- M'uru
- Kil'jaeden
0/9 NBlack Temple- High Warlord Naj'entus
- Supremus
- Shade of Akama
- Teron Gorefiend
- Gurtogg Bloodboil
- Reliquary of Souls
- Mother Shahraz
- Illidari Council
- Illidan Stormrage
0/5 NBattle for Mount Hyjal- Rage Winterchill
- Anetheron
- Kaz'rogal
- Azgalor
- Archimonde
0/4 NThe Eye- Al'ar
- Void Reaver
- High Astromancer Solarian
- Kael'thas Sunstrider
0/6 NSerpentshrine Cavern- Hydross the Unstable
- The Lurker Below
- Leotheras the Blind
- Fathom-Lord Karathress
- Morogrim Tidewalker
- Lady Vashj
0/1 NMagtheridon's Lair- Magtheridon
0/2 NGruul's Lair- High King Maulgar
- Gruul the Dragonkiller
0/11 NKarazhan- Attumen the Huntsman
- Moroes
- Maiden of Virtue
- Opera Hall
- Nightbane
- The Curator
- Terestian Illhoof
- Shade of Aran
- Netherspite
- Chess Event
- Prince Malchezaar
- 0/15 NNaxxramas
- Anub'Rekhan
- Grand Widow Faerlina
- Maexxna
- Noth the Plaguebringer
- Heigan the Unclean
- Loatheb
- Instructor Razuvious
- Gothik the Harvester
- The Four Horsemen
- Patchwerk
- Grobbulus
- Gluth
- Thaddius
- Sapphiron
- Kel'Thuzad
0/12 NTemple of Ahn'Qiraj- The Prophet Skeram
- Lord Kri
- Princess Yauj
- Vem
- Battleguard Sartura
- Fankriss the Unyielding
- Viscidus
- Princess Huhuran
- Emperor Vek'lor
- Emperor Vek'nilash
- Ouro
- C'Thun
0/6 NRuins of Ahn'Qiraj- Kurinnaxx
- General Rajaxx
- Moam
- Buru the Gorger
- Ayamiss the Hunter
- Ossirian the Unscarred
0/8 NBlackwing Lair- Razorgore the Untamed
- Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
- Broodlord Lashlayer
- Flamegor
- Ebonroc
- Firemaw
- Chromaggus
- Nefarian
0/10 NMolten Core- Lucifron
- Magmadar
- Gehennas
- Garr
- Baron Geddon
- Shazzrah
- Golemagg the Incinerator
- Sulfuron Harbinger
- Majordomo Executus
- Ragnaros
0/1 NOnyxia- Onyxia
0/13 NZul'Gurub- High Priestess Jeklik
- High Priest Venoxis
- High Priestess Mar'li
- High Priest Thekal
- High Priestess Arlokk
- Bloodlord Mandokir
- Jin'do the Hexxer
- Gahz'ranka
- Gri'lek
- Hazza'rah
- Renataki
- Wushoolay
- Hakkar the Soulflayer
World bosses Progress
- 0/4 NWorld Bosses
- Drov the Ruiner
- Tarlna the Ageless
- Rukhmar
- Supreme Lord Kazzak
- 0/6 NWorld Bosses
- Sha of Anger
- Galleon
- Oondasta
- Nalak
- August Celestials
- Ordos
- 0/2 NWorld Bosses
- Doom Lord Kazzak
- Doomwalker
- 0/7 NWorld Bosses
- Omen
- Azuregos
- Lord Kazzak
- Emeriss
- Lethon
- Taerar
- Ysondre