Category Archives: Guild News
Monthly Webskulls transmog event

Each month we will have a guild transmog gear event where guildies will be able to show their transmog gear on them. After we’ve seen everyone’s transmog gear at the parade xD, then we will give the prizes:
1st place: 15k wow gold
2nd place: 10k wow gold
3rd place: 5k wow gold
The judge will be the guild master
Kind regards,
Webskulls guild
Monthly Webskulls guild Pet battle events

Each month we will have a guild Pet battle event where guildies will be able to have their pet battle against other guildies their pets. After we’ve checked who wins/loses how much times: the 3 guildies with the most winning times will be winning the guild pet battle event xD. The prizes will be the following:
1st place: 15k wow gold
2nd place: 10k wow gold
3rd place: 5k wow gold
The judge will be the guild master ( at absence of the guild master the officers)
Kind regards,
Webskulls guild
Monthly Webskulls guild riddles event

Each month we will have a riddles event where guildies will be able to ask their riddles against the competitors. After we’ve checked everyone’s answer: the 3 guildies with the most correct answers will be winning the guild riddles event xD. The prizes will be the following:
1st place: 15k wow gold
2nd place: 10k wow gold
3rd place: 5k wow gold
Presentator: Queen Elysria
The judge will be the guild master ( at absence of the guild master the officers)
Kind regards,
Webskulls guild
Stay classy guild achievement

Hi everyone,
We have now achieved the classy humans, dwarves, gnomes, worgen & draenei
We still have left 1 night elf priest to level to 70 for the classy night elves and then panda’s deathknight,
warlock, mage, priest etc for the classy panda’s guild achievement. Let’s enjoy further the playing time so we can at least have an 8th guild bank tab xD

Kind regards,
Webskulls guild
Classy Draenei achievement finally!
Hi everyone,
Mark did leveled his Draenei to level 70 today!
All hail Mark for contributing to the classy Draenei
Webskulls guild achievement!
Kind regards,
Webskulls guild
Classy Draenei guild achievement

Hi everyone,
We can now be proud that we have 5 of the stay classy achievements achieved!!
We have since this yesterday also the Classy Draenei guild achievement!!!!
All hail the guildies who have helped during this year to achieve this!!
This is a big step forward for getting the 8th guild bank tab with the stay classy
guild achievement
Kind regards,
Webskulls guild
Classy humans guild achievement

Hi everyone,
We can now be proud that we have 4 of the stay classy achievements achieved!!
We have since this summer also the Classy humans guild achievement!!!!
All hail the guildies who have helped during this year to achieve this!!
This is a big step forward for getting the 8th guild bank tab with the stay classy
guild achievement
Kind regards,
Webskulls guild

Classy gnomes guild achievement

Hi everyone,
We can now be proud that we have 3 of the stay classy achievements achieved!!
We have now too since before the summer the classy gonmes guild achievement too!!
All hail the guildies who have helped during this year to achieve this!!
This is a big step forward for getting the 8th guild bank tab with the stay classy
guild achievement
Kind regards,
Webskulls guild
Classy dwarves guild achievement

Hi everyone,
We can now be proud that we have 2 of the stay classy achievements achieved!!
We had already achieved the classy worgen & now we also have the classy dwarves guild achievement
All hail the guildies who have helped during this year to achieve this!!
This is a step forward for getting the 8th guild bank tab with the stay classy
guild achievement
Kind regards,
Webskulls guild