Category Archives: Guild News

New forum section for riddles

Hi everyone, 

We have now in our guild website private forums a sections specialised for riddles!
So if you know a riddle go visit our webskulls guild website, register and enjoy
writing/reading the riddles. Here is the link if interested:

Kind regards, 
Webskulls guild

New guild forum: How to step by step guides on quests to help other guildies

Hi everyone, 

We have now in our guild website private forums a sections specialised for guides to quests!
So if you want to contribute and explain how to step by step some quests, please
go visit our webskulls guild website, register and login, then contribute to the quest guide forum

Like this we can be of help to our guildies somehow if they need help

Here is the link if interested:

Kind regards, 
Webskulls guild

Monthly Webskulls transmog event

Each month on the 11th day we will have a guild transmog gear event where guildies will be able to show their transmog gear on them. After we’ve seen everyone’s transmog gear at the parade xD, then we will give the prizes:

1st place: 15k wow gold
2nd place: 10k wow gold
3rd place: 5k wow gold

The judge will be the guild master

Kind regards,
Webskulls guild

This saturday 18th of november: Monthly Webskulls guild Pet battle events

Each month we will have a guild Pet battle event where guildies will be able to have their pet battle against other guildies their pets. After we’ve checked who wins/loses how much times: the 3 guildies with the most winning times will be winning the guild pet battle event xD. The prizes will be the following:

1st place: 15k wow gold
2nd place: 10k wow gold
3rd place: 5k wow gold

The judge will be the guild master ( at absence of the guild master the officers)

Kind regards,
Webskulls guild

This friday 17th november: Monthly Webskulls guild riddles event

Each month we will have a riddles event where guildies will be able to ask their riddles against the competitors. After we’ve checked everyone’s answer: the 3 guildies with the most correct answers will be winning the guild riddles event xD. The prizes will be the following:

1st place: 15k wow gold
2nd place: 10k wow gold
3rd place: 5k wow gold

Presentator: Queen Elysria
The judge will be the guild master ( at absence of the guild master the officers)

Kind regards,
Webskulls guild

Webskulls guild events page

Hello everyone,

From now on we will have more and more events plannified in the guild website at the guild events page: Events – Webskulls guild.

If you wanna join such guild events, please be at the event at said day and said time.

Kind regards,
Webskulls guild

Trinity paladins

Cakkepaladin, serattu & justice

Guild forums reset

We have the forums finally back again available after some serious crash

The a, b, c’s of the guild

Guild Raid recruitment

We want you to come and join the group that want to do some raids
Recruitment – Webskulls guild