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[Sticky] The a, b, c's of Webskulls guild

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Michael ( admin wp) Mardones Gonzalez
Member Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 8
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1-. Be polite towards each other

2-. Enjoy the game while respecting each other

3-. When you log into the game please keep in mind this is mainly a social guild, so be polite and have a chat with each other, 

4-. This is mainly a social guild, so try to be social: There is no harm neither if you greet everyone when you log into the game to play, nor saying congratulations when other guild members get an achievement, nor saying ding ding when leveling up with your character. Neither if you say good bye when logging out of the game, 

5-. Don't forget the roots of the guild as we grow... As we try to grow in numbers we want to make perfectly clear that we may begin doing raids, pvp, arena, mythics and dungeons, but it's important to know and respect the fact we remain a social guild,

6-. We try to schedule events, but please no stress: This means that the social aspect and relaxing while playing takes more importance in our guild than being on time for a raid, mythic, pvp, arena or whatever is was scheduled,

7-. Everyone makes mistakes, no worries: If by any way you would have an attitude that it's causing troubles within the guild the situation will be analyzed as it has happened in the past. If you have any need for a talk you can always contact the officers of the guild and the guild master. We then decide if a warning needs to be given to someone yes or not,

8-. Don't ask for real money in world of warcraft: It may happen sometimes that you may be in need for some wow gold and it can happen yes, but please certainly not all the time neither. It's not the meaning to go arround in world of warcraft within the guild or outside the guild begging for real money nor wow gold for any reasons: certainly not for a wow token or whatever reason it may be,

9-. After 3x warnings of bad mistakes we say goodbye: As it has happened before after 3x times a warning has been given because of some reason by any officer or guild master, please be aware we will take actions afterwards to let you know by mail what the reason was to let you go from the guild,

10-. Enjoy, chill with and respect each other: Enjoy the game and the social safe environment we try to create within the guild. It's our top priority and nothing: i repeat nothing it's more important than to enjoy and respect each other within the game, social media and within the virtual /physical spaces related to the guild and or sponsors of the Webskulls guild.
