[Sticky] here you can leaven the name of your char+class+ which role you would like to play in the guild raid team
Hello everyone,
we do need lots of guildies to start a raid team and here is some more information about it:
To be eligible for guild achievements for raids and dungeons a majority of the group must be guild members.
In practice this means that:
- 5-man dungeons require at least 3Â guild members
- 10-man raids require at least 8 guild members
- 25-man raids require at least 20 guild members
- 20-man mythic raids require at least 16 guild members
- 40-man raids require at least 32 guild members
All group members must be online and near the boss to earn the achievement. Players who have released after dying may fail to count towards guild achievement credit.
If the flag in the upper-left corner of your minimap shows your guild banner, your group is considered a guild group.
lets start by having already like a raid group with 2 tanks, 3 healers and 3 dps for the 10 man raids ?
if we get more people then we can think about going for 25 man raids 🙂
here you can leaven the name of your char+class+ which role you would like to play in the guild raid team
for example: chiconeira paladin i would like to play tank. I hope to see some more members using this topic so we can finally form a raid team
Webskulls guildÂ
we have lixxie ( partially geared ilevel 382) ret or tank,Â
we have questionablo as caster dps frost ilevel 404 and tank monk brewmaster level 67,Â
we have jmaggiiez shammy healer,
we have nesne shammy healer ( right now level 60 but will soon get level 70)Â
we have dhirgni hunter dps ( right now level 60 but will soon get level 70)Â
we have chiconeira ( pala tank/healer) & chicodruid ( if needed as druid tank/healer )
ilevel 380+
we have vildman ( druid tank ilevel 404) & skydegal ( hunter mm ilevel 386)
i will update this list with more chars that would want to join doing guild raids and or who wants to gear up to get doing guild raids together. Just let us know 🙂
demonology maybe affliction
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